Sunday, February 6, 2011

24HBD #18: Superpowers

I would focus on what superpowers I think I already have, but we kind of already covered that in the “mundane skills” post.  So, I will have to talk about what superpower(s) I would like to have.  Should be fun.

I think if I were to be given a superpower, I would want it to be (obviously) awesome.  The most awesome thing I can think of would be something like what the Green Lantern has.  That ring can do pretty much everything, including saving the world.  So awesome.

So I guess, what that means is I’d like to have complete control over everything, and I want to be able to make anything appear, and do pretty much anything I want.

Which, when you think about it, is sort of a cop-out.  Kind of boring, to be able to do anything.  It’s why Superman is the worst, and why Batman is the best.  When you can do anything, nothing is exciting, because there’s no danger.

But I’m not trying to sell anything, I just want it for me.  Yeah it’d be totally awesome to be Superman, even if it’s boring to read about.  So yeah.  The Lantern thing.  Woo me.


  1. Only defeated by the awesome power of the color yellow.

  2. You'll notice that I didn't want exactly what the Green Lantern has. Just something like it. Meaning without any garbage weaknesses like that.
