Thursday, September 13, 2012


2012-07-30Whoah. Let’s face it – anyone following this blog has probably given up by now. Wait, here it comes! The blog about not ever blogging! Every blog needs one. Here’s mine:

It’s been a crazy busy time for me this past year. Wrapping up my third year of teaching feels pretty good – and summer vacation is always a reason to celebrate. This summer, though, was not all picnics and sweating (but it was a lot of sweating). I worked a summer school program all through June – 2 hours a day doesn’t seem like much (oh yeah – for two hours a day), but starting at 8 am every morning at a school half an hour away does drain a man who is used to waking up at noon during the months of June, July, and much of August.

In July came GERI camp – yep, still doing that. I had a great time, blah blah blah. Same old story. Met old friends again, made some new ones.

After camp came my blissful last few weeks of summer – but wait! I applied for and accepted a job at Tecumseh Junior High School here in Lafayette. No more 1/2 hour commute for me! It also meant an extra couple of weeks before the start of school. Extra long summer, yeah! FIlled with trips to the beach (see above picture) and Dominion. So much Dominion.


Want to play Dominion?

But through all that (and through all my time currently) is online grad school. Posting and reading and more posting. I’ll be done in May, and I tell you what I’m so sick of pedagogy and curriculum development and evaluation that I can’t even think of a thing that I could do because of it. But it feels good, and all the information I am learning is actually paying off, since it involves much of the big push in education right now.

And through all that is improv! Ad Liberation is gearing up for a comedy festival this weekend (the first of its kind [I do believe] in the Lafayette area). Should be pretty fun. I am especially proud of the festival. I feel that I’ve put a ton of work into it, and I can’t wait to see how it turns out. Everyone in the group has pitched in to make the thing a success, and it’s going to be awesome.


Claims of “awesome” not verified by any scientific institution.

So as far as this blog goes… I don’t know. There have been not as many recipes as I initially wanted, which is okay. I don’t really care about being a cooking blog anymore. There will be more, but there will also be more of other things. I am not going to pledge to write more frequently, because that is an oft broken promise. In my list of life priorities, keeping up a blog is near the bottom, between “play video games” and “pat the cat”. But there will (probably) be at least weekly posts, since some friends and I are maybe going to start writing more frequently about some topics that we choose or whatever. Hopefully that keeps up – if you’ve been trying to follow my Picaday 2012 blog, forget about it. I have so many pictures to post, it seems like a lost cause. Leave me alone about it.


Time to pat the cat.


  1. Pat the cat. good lord. how could you NOT pat the cat! Look at him!

  2. Keep blogging! Keep uploading for Picaday!
    I appreciate hearing from you. Also, some family sent me a jar of Nutella, so I'm going to try to make your Nutella bars.

    I miss you guys!
